Thursday, April 29, 2010

Rain and Baseball

This week is the beginning of the official baseball league season. So far we have had one rained out game and one rained out practice. Tonight Levi has a game scheduled for 6:00. Will it be played?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Shooting Hoops

Guess who won?

Same size feet

My kids think I am weird...especially since I made them pose for these pictures. But I wanted to document this moment...four of us have about the same size feet. Now that is weird to me. Actually I think Levi's are a little bit bigger than the rest of us and he is the youngest. Aren't feet funny looking?

Flag Football Saturday 5/24

Levi scored a touchdown on the first play. On the third play of the game he had an interception. And on the fourth play he threw a pass for a touchdown. It was a great start to a game his team ended up losing. Oh well.

Todd saves the day!

Todd is our splinter remover. I don't know why but all our boys frequently get splinters in their hands.

Chess Protegy

These photos weren't posed. Ethan has been reading a lot of chess books and working on his strategy. And Cente imitates whatever the big boys do. I heard Cente humming and talking to himself at the table and snapped these pictures of him. He started off making regular chess moves but by the end, his pieces were crashing into each other and he was making explosion noises.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Ethan has grown almost an inch in less than 2 months...

Natalie's Soup

Broccoli Cheddar

New members of our farm family

Levi's latest American History Project

Levi made this for his history class at the charter school. Actually he talked his sister and mom into helping him a bit. He thinks this is a another girl project he has been tricked into completing.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sad is the day...

Our trampoline has been dismantled and readied for the dump. Some of the hardware rusted and it became completely unsafe. So now we are trampoline-less. The kids jumped on it every day so we are missing it as an energy outlet.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


One of the reasons Levi loves flag football

He gets to be on his great friend's team.... Above he is running along side Jonah after he scored a touchdown.

Flag Football Today