Friday, November 13, 2009


We have significant amount of school work to complete.
The kitchen needs put back together after having a new oven hood installed.
There is a visit from the little boys social worker in two hours.
We are out of chicken feed and milk.
The two little guys have been fighting over a little car since they woke up this morning.
It is raining outside.

We are all healthy.
The three older kids are happy.
We get to be home all today.
We get to be home this evening. No babysitting jobs for Nan or elders mtgs or classes for Todd.
The cats are "flea free" and can be admitted back into the house for the winter.
I have a full pot of coffee brewed.
My house (except for the kitchen) is relatively in order.
I have a pile of books I am looking forward to reading.

Should be a good day.

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