Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day Cinnamon Rolls

I made a special treat for breakfast this morning. Unfortunately, I had to wait for the smoke to clear from my kitchen before I could take this picture. The pan I baked these in was too shallow and sugar and butter began to ooze over the sides to the floor of my oven where they caught on fire. I tried to blow the flames out but I needed to continue baking these for another 5 minutes. By the time they were done, smoke was billowing out of the oven door.

When I went to bake a Papa Murphy's heart shaped pizza for lunch, the smoke started spewing out again. I think I am going to have to clean my oven... Rats!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yummm. Uncle Norman can't see this picture because he will wonder why his wife didn't surprise him with a wonderful batch of cinnamon rolls right out from the oven on Valentine's Day morning.