Tuesday, March 9, 2010

We love these boys so much!

Our lives are crazy busy with changing diapers, picking up duplos, giving baths, wiping off sticky fingers and faces, cleaning up marker sketches on the wall, folding lots of little socks, reading "Go Dog Go" for the hundredth time, singing "Jesus Loves Me" and saying "Say please....say thank you....obey!" Homeschooling a high schooler, middle schooler, and 5th grader with a 2 year old and 3 year old has been either a complete disaster or a creative masterpiece of juggling and time management depending on the day.

Some days I ask myself what in the world have we got ourselves into... we had no idea we were walking into this adventure when we signed up for foster care 18 months ago. It is a weighty thing to fall in love with these boys and know in the back of our minds that they could be taken away by the whim of a DHS worker. It is good to trust in the sovereignty of God.

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