Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Girl

Natalie takes on huge responsibilities when I am not around. She does all the cooking and she manages her brothers and our family's schedule when I am not there. She is amazingly capable. I do not know what I would do without her. She is dependable and sensible and organized. And she is very good at making sure everyone is doing okay. She is going to make a great wife and mother someday.

I have been especially impressed with how disciplined she has been in her Bible reading this year. I think she is the only one in our family who is diligent in following the read through the Bible in a year schedule.

She keeps short accounts with people and is quick to apologize if she has done something wrong. Her attitude toward me and her dad is sweet and she responds well to instruction. Since her grandpa has been sick, she has gathered her two brothers several times and prayed for him with them.

I am extremely proud of her and could not have picked a better daughter. She is one in a million. I am a blessed mom.

1 comment:

six of us said...

This made me are blessed with a tremendously gifted and beautiful daughter. I am thankful to know your family...this pic of Natalie is too cute!!