The weather has been beautiful, and while we have done some school, we've also enjoyed the sun in our backyard. Today we did our history on the deck. I hope our neighbors couldn't hear us. We discussed the 19th century and the ideas introduced by Charles Darwin and Karl Marx. We also read about socialism, communism, and capitalism which led to questions about how our country functions and whether or not our president is a socialist. Ethan asked the question...(humanist question by our lesson's definition) "Does it make any difference to me in my day to day life whether whether our president and politicians are socialists or not?" Which eventually led to me getting on a soapbox and telling them that God chose this very moment in history to have them live and come into adulthood and that they are in a great place and a great time to be faithful Christians. At which point their eyes glazed over, and they begged to do their math and piano lessons. (Ha... actually, they just started to glance at each other and raise their eyebrows and rolled their eyes at their crazy homeschooling mom.) Which encouraged me even more...I pulled out a book I had checked out on Russia and the last Tzar, and we talked about Lenin and the evil done by both the Tzar (to his people and the Jews) and then by Lenin and Stalin. I digressed by mentioning the movie "Fiddler on the Roof" and which point Ethan said he thought it took place in Germany...so he gets to watch it for school now to get the context correct...
Anyway they got a lengthy...fact packed history session in today. Like I said, I hope the neighbors weren't listening.
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