Thursday, April 23, 2009

That's my boy...

Ethan and Natalie go to the junior high youth group at our church. I am not sure they are learning anything but they have fun. Last night they came home and Nan was bragging on her brother. During a group question and answer time he spoke up twice which is something. I think he is usually pretty quiet. Evidently there was some discussion about creation and the timing of things and whether 7 day creation is literal or not. Some of the kids were saying days could really be millions of years and Ethan spoke up to say that he thought it was 7 days because of the order God created...plants on the third day and the sun on the fourth.

The another question was asked about why God allowed Christian martyrs to die and Ethan again spoke up and said "Because it brings God glory and because, as someone has said, "The blood of the martyrs in the seed of the church." My son...quoting Tertullian in youth group.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about my clear victory in history trivia? I definatly deserve a little recognition for knowing the last tzar of russia AND his families names! by the way thanks for dinner it was great!!!