Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More parenting in the pew needed...

I thought I had all three kids trained to listen to the sermon and if they desired, to take notes. At the very least any pictures they draw are supposed to be about the sermon.

Then I found this... I am pretty sure that Todd's sermon on the kingdom of God was not about the "Evil Alien and the Attack of the Looney Bugs". I will have to be more of a parent next week during the sermon and pay attention to what my kids are doing. Todd's passage this week is Matthew 18 dealing with church discipline. That may make for interesting art by a 10 year old. I think I may confiscate all the writing utensils next Sunday.

On another note, it looks like my child may need art lessons. I am not sure about those alien fingers.

1 comment:

Dad said...

I hear that the sermon that morning was absolutely gripping - I wonder what Levi's problem is.