I have a new strategy for school this year.
Usually, I over-plan, I over-buy (curriculum, crayons, those markers on sale at Target...etc.) I go 0ver-board with my grandiose visions of all we are going to accomplish during the year.
After 9 years of that style of teaching... I am changing my tune.
We are taking one day...at a time.
My goal tomorrow is to have everyone at the table for a hot breakfast, afterwhich I will read aloud to them from the Bible and a book called "Peril and Peace: Chronicles of the Ancient Church." If that goes well, we will open our math books and begin with Lesson One.
I remember as a first year public school teacher the encouragement that if you can make it to Christmas Break, you can make it as a teacher. Tomorrow, I think that if we can make it to nap time, we will be able to make it to the end of the week.