Today I didn't direct my kids schedules much. They got up after sleeping in relatively late. They had minor chores and a little music practice. But other than that, how they spent their time was up to them. Guess what? They were bored. They had read all their library books, skimmed the newspaper, checked their blogs, and were wandering around the house getting on each others nerves. They know better than to verbally speak the word "bored" around here. Never the less it was communicated. I decided not to direct them in any way...let them wallow in their sluggish end of summer malaise...because SCHOOL STARTS IN 3 MORE DAYS! And beginning Monday, they won't be bored for months.
from bored to busy
from dumb to smart
from energized to tired
from fun to working a ton
you say school is fun
but I know the truth
because I am smart
and because I am a sleuth
slaving over books all day
with not a second to play
with not any pay
and when we are done
we all shout hooray
school is not fun
not fun at all
I would be rather
throwing a baseball
I would rather be at the beach
than listen to you teach
I would rather be eating ice cream
in stead of in school in a day dream
as I have said school is no fun
you better have listened because I am done.
Lovely attempt at being clever. Maybe we will start with a writing lesson first thing on Monday. You are not quite Dr. Seuss yet and you are not quite as witty as you think, but there is a spark. Hmmm.
Oh, the places you'll go...this year.
I would love to see more of your poetry sometime.
Aunt Susan
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