Sunday, July 26, 2009

Beating the Heat

We are heading into a hot spell here in Portland. I have heard the prediction of 103 degrees for this week. With no air-conditioning, our house heats up and stays warm so we have to get creative.

Tonight we grabbed cheap pizza to go (Little Caesars - Hot and Ready for $5), some soda, chips, and candy from Safeway and headed to the seminary. The top floor of Todd's office building is air-conditioned and we went into the conference room, sat around the big table, and played Mexican Train (a dominoes game) while we ate. Four hours later feeling refreshed by the cool air we returned home to our hot abode where the indoor thermometer is at its highest mark of 85 it could be even hotter. At this point, it is much cooler outside...

Tomorrow we go to Blue Lake and Tuesday we may head to Grandma and Grandpa's if it is too unbearable here.

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