If Levi has the job, he takes off his shirt, kneels by the tub, and supervises bath wars. If Cente throws a cut of water on Marcos's head, Levi will hand Marcos a full cup of water and direct him to throw one at Cente. The little boys love it but it makes an absolute wreck of the bathroom. I have to sop the floor up before I can get the boys diapered and pajamaed.
If Ethan has the job, he grabs a book and sits on a stool by, letting the little boys do whatever they want which usually involves throwing water at each other or out of the tub. The result is the same as with Levi: a mess.
If Natalie has the job, she shampoos their hair, repeatedly warns them to sit down and to not throw water. She will wash their faces and scrub their hands and feet. Then she gets them out, dresses them, brushes their teeth, and delivers them to me all ready for bed. She is going to be a great mom.
Great training for becoming GREAT dads! Actually, they may not need any training. They are naturals.
Grandma D
It looks like you have your hands full! I would vote for Natalie to do bath duty. Love, Aunt Jan
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