Saturday, September 5, 2009

"Do you believe in vampires?"

There are some strange people in this world...and one of them works at chain hair salon near here. I took Levi and Ethan to get there haircut there a couple days ago. The two stylist were busy clipping away talking about people who claimed to see Big Foot, when the conversation turned to vampires. They began discussing whether or not vampires really exist.

Levi was already squirming in his seat not enjoying the haircut, when the women leaned down and asked "What about you believe in vampires?"

Levi put his chin down and mumbled "no." She shrugged her shoulders and said "Well, you just don't know...these days...I mean you see a lot of people who look like they could be. I think you just can't say." (And she was dead serious.)

Ethan was sitting by me having already had his haircut. I whispered "Did you hear that?" He grinned and said "Yah." So now when we want to bug Levi we look at him very seriously and ask "Do you believe in vampires?"

The next time the boys are due for a trim, I think we'll try out the Great Clips instead.

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