Our family has been befriended by the most wonderful people in the world. To name 3 at the top of our list - Jan and Shiz and Byron. And all three happen to be in their 80s. (Actually Byron turns 80 on Nov.27th.) Jan and Shiz bless us with encouraging words, frequent gifts of fruit, and most of all, their example. They are continually witnessing to friends about Jesus. Even now, that they are going through their own trial, they turn our conversations to who they are sharing with and how we can pray for those people.
Byron has served our family over the past several years in wonderful ways. He graciously built our chicken coop for us and then told me to let him know if I ever hear of widows or people in need in our church whom he can serve with his gifts. Today he met with Ethan and Levi and began helping them construct a birdhouse. While teaching them he also introduced us to his neighbor to whom he has been witnessing.
yes, mom I am
Levi the nice person said...
yes, mom I am
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