Thursday, October 9, 2008

Typical Thursday Morning

Wednesday evenings are usually late nights. We get home from Awana and Youth Group after 9:00. We all need a snack so it takes us a while to get in our pajamas. Last night the kids begged me to read to them so by the time I read a chapter from a Mrs. Piggle Wiggle book, it was really late when we finally all got tucked into bed. This morning we got going slowly and I bent a few of our normal rules. Notice Levi and Nan are still in the bathrobes. I made them hot chocolate and we've been working at a cozy, slow pace.

Except for Ethan... he was up at the crack of dawn.. I found him working on his grammar in the dark when I got up. He wants to get done fast today for some reason.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They say masterminds always do peculiar things like that :)