Natalie had the honor of writing our Christmas letter. I gave it to her this week as a writing assignment. She did a great job. I proofed it and was going to change several things before printing it off but then decided to leave them. (She uses lots of "!" points.)
One thing I heard from a great instructor Andrew Pudewa, at a homeschool conference, is that when you proof your kids' papers, your goal is that the paper be the best paper your child can write (not what you, adult mom, can write.) That has helped me a lot as I read my kids' writing. If my 13 year old sounds like a 13 year old, it is because she's 13.
Anyway, Nan did a fine job though the boys disagree with a couple things she wrote about them. Oh, year one of them will be assigned this task and they can set straight whatever they wish to correct.
What's a christmas letter?
Got the letter today--it was very well written! Natalie is a great writer! Oh, I also like "!" points! :)
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