Todd teaches a night class tonight so there is not much mature conversation at the dinner table. Here is part of our "edifying" discussion tonight...
Mom: Ethan, did you finish Lord of the Flies today? If you did, you still have to go through the vocabulary and questions with me and Nan.
Ethan: I finished it. It was a terrible book.
Mom: ETHAN! You are not allowed to make comments like that. It was a good book.
Ethan: All the classics you give me are horrible. Lord of the Flies. Old Man and the Sea. Animal Farm. They are all bad.
Mom: I don't think you are old enough to understand the authors' intent. That's why we need to discuss it as you read. They are more than stories. Your next book is To Kill a Mockingbird.
Natalie: It is a good book Ethan. You should read it... Levi, you can't. You are too young. There is bad language in it.
Levi: I am reading Lord of the Rings, Nan. You haven't even read that.
Ethan: Oh yeah! Well guess who has read Lord of the Rings twice?
Mom: All right. Enough, all of you. Nan and Ethan, do the dishes. Levi, finish math.
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