The kids love to be read aloud to, especially if it is a humorous book. Often I'll have two or three books we are reading through at the same time. The two we have going right now are The Great Turkey Walk and Never Miss a Sunset. I recommend both.
Here's a brief synopsis of the books
The Great Turkey Walk by Katherine Karr (Copied from the Amazon):"I've always been fond of birds, poultry in particular." From that first sentence, readers will gobble up Karr's hilarious novel of a boy who resolves to walk 1000 turkeys from the Show-Me state to Denver, Colorado. Simon, who's 15 and newly graduated from the third grade, may not be too bright, but he figures he can make his fortune by buying Mr. Buffey's bronze turkeys for a quarter apiece and selling them in Denver for $5 each. With his schoolteacher as an investor, Simon picks up a former drunk and a runaway slave to be his partners, and starts herding those turkeys 900 miles down the road.
Never Miss a Sunset by Jeanette Gilge My dad read this aloud to us when I was in grade school. (From the back of the book): This is a tale of tender, not-to-be missed years. Ellen, oldest girl of a family of 10, struggles with her family through a bitter winter on their northwoods Wisconsin homestead. Hard work is the byword and good times come through love for each other, faith in God, and the joy of sharing.
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