Monday, November 10, 2008

A little more about Levi...

Levi loves fencing but he doesn't like to lose. He received a little scratch somehow during his last class, (his mask is supposed to protect the neck), but still managed to win the match...I think someone went easy on him...
Levi is terribly competitive in all areas and when he excels at something, he's usually motivated by being the best or beating an opponent. One area he is going overboard in this fall is AWANAs. He didn't do AWANA's last year. He hung out with me on Wednesday nights. So this year he thinks he is behind. As a result, he studies his AWANA book like crazy. He will complete the TNT first year book the week before Thanksgiving. His goal is to complete 3 books this year. And he is right on track. And the best thing about it...I don't have to remind him to learn his verses.

I am enjoying my kids so much this year. They continually bring smiles to my faces (when they aren't bickering). Levi and I were reading about King Solomon last week and when we got to the part about him having 700 wives, Levi turned to me and said "It would have been awful to have been Solomon's friend." "Why?" I asked. "Just think about it'd have to go to 700 weddings. That would be TERRIBLE."

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