I have been off line for about a week now. My laptop has been overrun with viruses for some reason and until I can get it to my dad in Eugene to clean up, I am without my main computer. Our other computer is located in our basement and is used by all three kids for their math instruction, spelling, typing, and blogging and is not easily assessable to me during the day...so except for checking email, I have been off line.
As I am using this for a "scrapbook" for our school year, I regret that I have missed documenting some of the events of the past week. Quick highlights:
- Todd and the boys traveled to Corvallis to watch the Beavers upset #1 USC.
- Natalie and I took a 4 hour Introduction to Bee Keeping class at Ruhl Bees.
- Our sweet hens have turned into vicious, attacking poultry. One drew blood on Ethan's foot today and we are not quite sure what to do about them.
- Natalie and I went to the Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival at the Clackamas Country Fairgrounds where we saw a lot of yarn, spinning wheels, and sheep. It was interesting but probably not a hobby we'll pick up.
- I went to a 4-H Leaders training class so that I can start a 4-H club with my kids.
- We watched the movie "The Sting" starring Paul Newman and found out that he died the next day. It led to a good discussion on life and what is most important.
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