The kids had their first violin lesson yesterday. Their lesson books were not in yet so they have no music to practice this week. They learned very basics such as parts of a violin, how to hold and care for the instrument, and the string names. The boys got out their instruments and some of their piano books and attempted to play some tunes. Right now I can hear the "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "Baa Baa Black Sheep". Are they the same song??? We need to buy music stands now.
There is a musical called "1776" about the American Revolution and in it, Benjamin Franklin asks Thomas Jefferson's wife for the secret of Jefferson's romantic appeal and she burst out in a song called "He plays the violin..." So we've been teasing the boys about this.
Look at those violinists! Nice fingering on the bow, Ethan. Keep it up, boys...Natalie, are you in on this?? Let's see the girl! :)
Looks like they've been practicing diligently.
Looks like they've been practicing :)
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