Levi asked me today what was the point of memorizing poetry. I gave him a great explanation about the beauty of poetic language and its ability to convey emotion and human experience in a unique and powerful way. He said "So. I don't get it. What's the point?
Then he proceeded to argue "Mom, suppose I want to be a policeman when I grow up and I go to interview for the job. If the guy asks me what I know how to do and I tell him I can recite 'The Spider and the Fly' he'll think I am crazy. So mom...what is the point?"
I laughed at him and said maybe the interviewer would be more impressed if Levi knew "Casey at Bat". Levi agreed with me and that was the end of that discussion.
What about Purple Cow? Do you think the police man would be impressed with Purple Cow?
I can tell Levi is a baseball fan.
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