Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I cannot believe the paper I signed yesterday so that my three babies might participate in a fencing class. It listed possible injuries "including but not limited to death; damage to interior organs; serious injuries to bones; ligaments, joints and tendons; eye injuries; and general deterioration of health." The instructor also informed the class that if you point a sword at another person with intent to harm, it is "attempted assault" and if you actually stab a person with intent to harm, you could be charged with "attempted murder." He made a point of emphasising that dueling is illegal in the United States although when I googled it today, wikipedia stated that it is only explicitly illegal in 20 states. (Oregon is one of them.) I think my boys were a little disappointed. They did perk up though when the instructor emphasised that fencing is a sport and therefore, there are winners and losers. "On Guard!"

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Anonymous said...
