We finish up week 2 of school today and so far everything is going well. Here are some of the positives:
- Writing out detailed lesson plans has been great. The kids know exactly how much has to be accomplished before they are done for the day. They don't have to keep asking me "Are we done yet?"
- Saxon Math Dive Cd's are working well. (Thanks for the recommendation Michele!) With Ethan in Algebra 2, Nan in Algebra 1, and Levi in Math 7/6 it would have taken me forever to go over each lesson every day. Instead they go to the computer, put their headphones on, and listen to an instructor go over the lesson and work practice problems. Then they get their textbooks out at the table and do their 30 problems. I grade it and they are done.
- The Omnibus Curriculum is great. So far, we've read, discussed, and debated the books of Genesis, Exodus, and Chosen by God (by Sproul). Next week we will read The Epic of Gilgamesh and begin "Till we have faces" by C.S. Lewis. I know "Till we have faces" will be a challenge, but I bought the book on tape and we'll read and listen both.
- "The Mystery of History" with Levi is a hit. He likes having his own curriculum. We've covered creation though the Flood and talked about the Fall of man, dinosaurs, and the ice age. He is making a neat timeline to go along with each lesson.
- I think I have finally figured out how to motivate the piano practicing. Not wanting to be a nag but knowing my boys will avoid practicing, I decided I didn't want to make this a daily battle. This week, I told them, they will practice 45 minutes each day and record it on their practice sheet. If they miss a day, then on Saturday and Sunday there would be no watching football or playing computer games. Guess what? I have not had to remind them to practice once. They love watching games with their dad.
Looks like you have a busy schedule.
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